‘I lost £860 in one day at my food truck and my life changed forever’

Shane Cole knows what it’s like to be homeless and spend lonely nights without warm food (Picture: Getty) On a…

Pet turkey accompanies owner to 5km Parkrun

T2 the turkey goes everywhere with her owner – even to Parkrun(Picture: Tony Kershaw) Britain’s luckiest turkey survived the Christmas…

Inside the world’s only underwater roundabout between Scotland and Iceland

The Faroe Islands are set to open an under-sea roundabout following more than three years of construction (Credits: ABACA/PA Images)…

Student ‘traumatised’ after managing to break her jaw with aptly-named candy

Javeria managed to break her jaw in two places when she bit into the candy (Picture: Kennedy News) A student…

Full list of Christmas benefits pay dates for DWP and HMRC

Christmas can be anything but relaxing for many families (Picture: Getty Images) Christmas can be an expensive affair as many…

Full list of 37 NHS trusts that have upped parking charges – is yours included?

A patients’ charity attacked the hikes as unfailry penalising people who are unwell (Picture: Getty) At least a quarter of…

Chicken gets her own hi-vis jacket to help cross the road

Caption: Rescue chicken, Billie Jean, roams the roads in Cam near Dursley, Gloucestershire, while wearing her high vis jacket (Credits:…

‘Mosh pit nappy’ released to help people avoid long queues for the loo at gigs

The Mosh pit diaper is designed to avoid queues at gig loos (Picture: Liquid Death) A ‘mosh pit diaper’ designed…

Thousands of pensioners at risk of missing Winter Fuel Payment this Christmas

Thousands of people have said they are concerned about their bills increasing (Picture: AFP) Tens of thousands of pensioners will…

Shop owner makes 50 citizen’s arrests because shoplifting at his store is so bad

The shopowner from Devon has made more than 50 citizens arrests in the last year(Picture: PA) A brave storeowner has…