Belgians furious after centuries old custom of drinking live fish is banned

Furious Belgians have protested the banning of an ancient fish-drinking festival tradition (Picture: Shutterstock) Belgian festival-goers are furious after the…

How Russia successfully ‘flipped’ Donald Trump to form the ‘Trumputin Pact’

Trump, left, and Putin shake hands at the beginning of a meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, in…

New update on chance of ‘city killer’ asteroid hitting Earth in 2032

Don’t worry: This won’t be happening (Picture: Getty) Panic over: the ‘city killer’ asteroid at risk of slamming into Earth…

Martin Lewis shares ‘urgent’ steps to save £100s before energy price hike

Act now to avoid the hike (Picture: Shutterstock/Getty) According to Martin Lewis, 80% of households in England, Scotland and Wales…

Why is Mars red? Scientists think they’ve found answer to mystery

It isn’t because aliens spray-painted it… presumably (Picture: Getty) Mars has been known as the Red Planet for thousands of…

Ofgem increases energy price cap again – here’s how much your bills will be

Ofgem, the energy regulator, sets a new price cap every three months (Picture: Justin Tallis/AFP) Energy prices are rising yet…

US, Russia and North Korea join forces to reject UN peace plan for Ukraine

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”VideoObject”,”name”:””,”duration”:”T3M37S”,”thumbnailUrl”:””,”uploadDate”:”2025-02-24T18:49:34+0000″,”description”:”The European-backed Ukrainian resolution demanding Russia immediately withdraw from Ukraine passed 93-18, with 65 abstentions. nnUkrainian deputy foreign minister Mariana…

Double decker plane seats could take off – but would you sit in the ‘fart zone’?

Would you sit top or bottom?(Picture: Nagib Tamusuza) Fighting over who gets the top bunk is standard, but are you…

Dramatic first-person footage of aid worker running from Putin’s drones

Denys Khrystov has worked in some of the most dangerous frontline areas of Ukraine and taken cover from Russian drones…

Mystery over how a man became wedged between two walls

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”VideoObject”,”name”:””,”duration”:”T54S”,”thumbnailUrl”:””,”uploadDate”:”2025-02-24T13:09:00+0000″,”description”:”A man in Westminster (the Californian one) was stuck between a residential and commercial wall on Saturday night.”,”contentUrl”:”″,”height”:270,”width”:480} To view…