‘New Nostradamus’ predicts royal couple will divorce and Keir Starmer will be ousted in 2025

Craig-Hamilton Parker has given his predictions for the year ahead (Picture: GETTY/AP/Craig Hamilton Parker) A psychic has predicted that a…

Here’s what the ‘new Nostradamus’ accurately predicted would happen in 2024

Craig Hamilton Parker made some predictions in 2024 that have come true this year (Picture: Getty Images/Metro.co.uk) Psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker…

Wild boar wreaks havoc after sneaking into supermarket

The boar didn’t injure anyone, but caused chaos (Picture: SWNS) Shoppers were startled when they saw a wild boar perusing…

The human brain processes thoughts 5,000,000 times slower than the average internet connection

The brain may not be as powerful as previously thought, according to the research (Picture: Getty Images) People think many…

British woman jailed in Thailand for trying to have sex on table named and pictured

Viral footage saw Jude Hill apparently trying to have sex on a hotel table (Picture: Facebook) The identity of a…

Pet turkey accompanies owner to 5km Parkrun

T2 the turkey goes everywhere with her owner – even to Parkrun(Picture: Tony Kershaw) Britain’s luckiest turkey survived the Christmas…

Inside the world’s only underwater roundabout between Scotland and Iceland

The Faroe Islands are set to open an under-sea roundabout following more than three years of construction (Credits: ABACA/PA Images)…

Student ‘traumatised’ after managing to break her jaw with aptly-named candy

Javeria managed to break her jaw in two places when she bit into the candy (Picture: Kennedy News) A student…

Chicken gets her own hi-vis jacket to help cross the road

Caption: Rescue chicken, Billie Jean, roams the roads in Cam near Dursley, Gloucestershire, while wearing her high vis jacket (Credits:…

‘Mosh pit nappy’ released to help people avoid long queues for the loo at gigs

The Mosh pit diaper is designed to avoid queues at gig loos (Picture: Liquid Death) A ‘mosh pit diaper’ designed…