How to find out if your postcode is eligible for cold weather payment

People walk through snow in Balerno, Edinburgh. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued cold weather health alerts for all of England ahead of a week of low temperatures. Amber alerts have been issued from 12pm on Thursday until January 8, meaning a rise in deaths, particularly among those aged 65 and over or with health conditions, is likely, the UKHSA said. Picture date: Friday January 3, 2025. PA Photo. Photo credit should read: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire
People walk through snow in Balerno, Edinburgh (Picture: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire)

As the UK is hit with freezing temperatures, some households may be eligible for a special payment for cold weather.

If the mercury drops to 0°C or below for seven days in a row in a particular postcode, people living there could qualify for a special payment of £25 to help with their heating costs.

This is separate to the Winter Fuel Payment, a benefit for pensioners which hit the headlines when the government announced plans to means test it this summer.

Low income households in England and Wales are eligible for Cold Weather Payments between November and March if the weather is particularly wintry.

With the whole of England put under a rare amber alert for cold weather this weekend and snow falling in several parts of the country, it is possible the cold snap could last long enough to trigger the payments.

It is now possible to check whether your area will be included and see whether you are entitled to the money by visiting the website of the Department for Work and Pensions.

When are cold weather payments made?

These Cold Weather Payments are made between November 1 and March 31 to people who receive a range of benefits across England and Wales.

They have not yet been issued this winter, but it is possible that the first payments could be made this month if the cold weather stays seven days or longer.

The scheme links postcode districts to Met Office weather stations which report temperatures on a daily basis. Each postcode district is assigned to a weather station with the most similar climate in terms of 1981 to 2010 average winter temperature.

Who is eligible for the Cold Weather Payment?

The Social Fund Cold Weather Payments (CWP) scheme provides help to individuals on benefits who are the most vulnerable to the cold. This includes:

  • Income Support
  • Older people in receipt of Pension Credit
  • Homeowner receiving Support for Mortgage Interest: who has a severe/enhanced disability premium; has a pensioner premium; has a child who is disabled; has a child under 5 living with you or who gets Child Tax Credit that includes disability/serve disability
  • Disabled adults, families with a disabled child or families with a child under 5, who are in receipt of Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

The payments are devolved in Scotland and Northern Ireland and made separately.

How to check the latest Cold Weather Payment Postcodes

The latest Cold Weather Payment postcodes are available via the postcode checker.

How much is the Cold Weather Payment?

Those eligible will receive £25 for each seven-day period over the winter months between 1 November and 31 March.

If you are eligible, the money will be paid directly into your bank account automatically.

The DWP has confirmed that households do not need to apply or take any action to ensure they get the money.

In the 2022 to 2023 winter season, an estimated £137.6m was paid out in the scheme.

Alamy Live News. 2S1H3B1 Rockford Common, New Forest, Ringwood, Hampshire, England, UK, 4th January 2025, Weather: Cold and frosty and overcast morning. A weather system moving in from the south west will bring rain and snow later. Paul Biggins/Alamy Live News This is an Alamy Live News image and may not be part of your current Alamy deal . If you are unsure, please contact our sales team to check.
Snow is falling across the country (Picture: Alamy Live News.)

An estimated 5.5 million payments were made to around 3.7 million people.

There are yellow snow and ice weather warnings in place for much of the UK on Friday, with a mix of snow, ice, wind and rain warnings for large swathes of the country on Saturday.

Rain and snow warnings have been issued for most of Scotland and northern England for Sunday, while a rain warning is issued for south west England.

A version of this article was first published on November 18 2024.

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